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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

Sligo Hospital

ROI 071 916 2649 

Cross Border Health Team

ROI 048 9068 8858 

Why Choose Us

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we aim to deliver the best possible healthcare for our patients.

About Us

By delivering high quality medical care and offering a comfortable environment that provides a setting to contribute towards a faster, more successful recovery for our patients, at Kingsbridge Private Hospital we consistently strive to put our patient at the forefront of everything we do.

Anyone Can Avail Of Private Healthcare

Whether you want to self-pay, use private health insurance or avail of our payment plan, Kingsbridge Private Hospital can offer a range of payment options to help make private healthcare accessible to you. Our One2One patient advisors are also on hand to assist with any queries you may have and can guide you through the process.


Patients Have Access To Over 300 Specialist Consultants

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we work with over 300 of the best consultants within the UK and Ireland. Offering a 5-star healthcare service you can feel reassured of the highest level of patient care across a wide range of specialties.

We House State-Of-The-Art Facilities

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital our consultants offer high performing treatments and surgeries within a 5-star state-of-the-art facility which hosts:

  • Modern operating theatres across our various locations
  • Technologically advanced diagnostic scanning and investigations (MRI, CT, X-Ray & Ultrasound)
  • Dedicated clinics for Physiotherapy, Menopause, Prostate Cancer Care and more
  • Warm and welcoming reception area and outpatient department
  • Audiology and Optometry Suites
  • Enhanced Private GP Service
  • In-house Pharmacy

Our Services Are Always Growing

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we strive to stay ahead and to continually source and grow our services. We recently became the first private hospital in Northern Ireland to offer Cardiac Surgery through the installation of a Cardiac Unit and 2 bed ICU within our Belfast hospital.  

We Value The Importance Of Recovery

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we place great importance in supporting our patients on the road back to recovery. In addition to the world class surgical and nursing staff, we offer the highest quality nutritious meals. All ingredients are locally sourced by our own in-house chef and catering staff who supply our evening meals.

Patient Testimonials

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