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Coronary Health Check

A scan that gives a detailed picture of the condition of your heart and its arteries.

Bupa Health Checks

Coronary Health Check - £1130*

Our Coronary Health Check is designed for men and women aged between 45 and 69. This assessment looks for risk of heart disease, and identifies the main risk factors contributing to it, as well as offering practical advice about positive lifestyle changes.

It comprises of several different tests, including a coronary CT scan. Please note this assessment can take up to two hours

What's included

  • A detailed X-ray (Computerised Tomography scan) of the heart and arteries
  • Heart rhythm test to detect atrial fibrillation
  • Measure of cholesterol and levels of fatty deposits around the heart and arteries
  • Up to 30 minutes with a doctor
  • Guidance on reducing the risk of a heart attack
  • Two follow-up calls with a health coach
  • Bupa Boost app
  • Access to Anytime HealthLine
  • Total assessment time - 60 minutes
  • Age range- men and women aged 45 and over

Please note: The CT Scan for these assessments will take place on a separate date as they are a specialist scan that only takes place on certain days and involves the patient taking prep beforehand.

For a full list of the Coronary Health Checks and tests and assessments see our Comparison Guide (PDF, 0.2MB). Also see the Health Assessment Guide (PDF, 2.1MB) for full details on what's included in each health assessment.

If you would like to book an appointment or require further information on the options available to you, please do not hesitate to contact the Bupa Health Advice line on 0333 920 0718 or book online now.

*Prices correct as of December 2023 and may be subjest to change.

If you would like to book an appointment or require further information on the available options, please do not hesitate to contact our private patient booking team via our online enquiry form.

Alternatively, email Kingsbridge Private Hospital

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