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10 Reasons To Choose H3 Insurance

28th, Sep 2016

Previously thought of as a luxury for the privileged few, private healthcare is now more affordable and accessible than ever. With H3 Health Insurance patients are treated in the 5 star facility of the award winning Kingsbridge Private Hospital, part of the Kingsbridge Healthcare group.

Skip long NHS waiting lists and receive specialist care throughout your treatment, including a dedicated local team to organise your future appointments and help you every step of the way with no need for GP referrals. This is a unique standard of healthcare, this is H3.

Here’s 10 reasons why taking out an H3 Health Insurance plan is the best option for your healthcare needs:

1. Unique private casualty cover: provides you with the benefit of skipping long A&E queues and be seen within minutes in the luxury of Kingsbridge Private Hospital.

2. Claims advocacy and booking service: our claims team will progress your claim quickly and personally guide you through the process every step of the way, providing you with locally based world class support.

3. Specialist referral system: no need to go through your GP, simply ring H3 Health Insurance directly and we will refer you the same day to one of over 500 specialists and consultants.

4. Comprehensive business cover: we understand that your employees are key to your businesses success, so we ensure that they can access the quickest and best treatment to meet their needs and your budget.

5. Access to a vast range of services: extensive cover provides you with high speed access to consultants, diagnostic tests, therapies and surgeries.

6. Nationally recognised: H3 Health Insurance is recognised by all major hospital groups in the UK, so wherever you may be your policy will ensure you’re covered.

7. Extensive cancer cover: Our members have access to the latest, most effective treatments and drugs available.

8. Comprehensive family cover: Our policies cover everyone in the family ensuring that you have complete piece of mind.

9. Private standard: Patients can use the facilities of Kingsbridge Private Hospital and a number of specialised 3fivetwo clinics throughout the treatment process giving you access to the best facilities on offer.

10. Affordable: Our range of policies aim to meet every patients need and budget, ensuring the highest quality healthcare at affordable prices.

To find out more visit or contact us at 028 9046 9990

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