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Don’t Risk Suffering From a Broken Heart This Valentine's Day

13th, Feb 2017

A happy relationship means a happy heart and that couldn’t be more important this Valentine’s Day as couples across the country share the special day together.

However, a happy heart doesn’t necessarily mean a healthy one.

At least one young person dies from an undiagnosed heart condition every month in Northern Ireland, according to statistics from British Heart Foundation Northern Ireland.

Furthermore, recent statistics from the charity estimates that 17,500 people are living with a faulty gene that puts them at risk of heart failure or sudden death.

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we want to help broken hearts with our state-of-the-art cardiac screening service. Our Cardiac Clinic provide a comprehensive range of heart investigations and screening tests that will help diagnose any cardiac problems and help you find the most effective treatment. We also provide you with access to an expert cardiologist and help diagnose any underlying issues with your heart or blood pressure and discuss your next steps.

Our Healthy Heart Assessment is carried out in two stages by expert consultants and aims to establish a complete analysis of your most important organ.

The first stage involves:

  • A physical examination
  • A look into family history
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure check
  • Cardiovascular Risk Test
  • Exercise stress test/ treadmill or echocardiogram

If anything comes up after these preliminary tests that should be addressed, we will provide a referral for more detailed CT scans.

All test results will be discussed in full with a specialist consultant and we will also provide advice on lifestyle changes and arrange for any further tests at your convenience.

We are also pleased to be able to offer pre-participation cardiac sports screening service. Working closely with doctors we have developed a cardiac screening service which helps to detect any abnormalities which contribute to sudden cardiac deaths and other related issues.

This is the first locally managed, fully comprehensive, cardiac screening service for young athletes aged 16-35yrs and aims to significantly reduce the risk of cardiac related issues for young athletes across the country.

For more information, please visit Cardiac Investigations and Diagnostics or call: 028 9066 7878

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