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17th, Nov 2020
Wet Wednesday weather and 5 o’clock evenings have arrived. As winter draws in, so does the cold and flu season and, with it, an increased demand for GP appointments. Not to mention the added pressure of the current pandemic, which will, and already has, overrun hospital waiting rooms with those in need of treatment.
But it is important that yourself or members of your family do not put off going to see your GP this winter for issues that are not COVID-19 related. With many working from home it can be difficult to find the time to wait to be seen but your health and wellbeing is still of utmost importance and has not been put on hold even if the other aspects of life have.
To help we’re here to give you 4 key areas to keep an eye on during these difficult times:
1. Call your local GP and discuss any symptoms of health problems you may be having, be it Covid-19 related or not. Other illnesses haven’t gone away, and our bodies need to be taken care of to make sure common colds and flus don’t impact us worse than ever
2. Feel open to speak with friends and family over the phone or video chat about any Mental Health problems you are having. This is as important as ever, with lockdown and an uncertain world augmenting pre-existing issues for many.
3. Freak injuries happen all the time at any time and should be checked and treated as soon as possible. Be it a cut or a fracture, an elbow, or head injury, don’t wish it away without proper treatment.
4. Sexual Health should not be embarrassing to talk about or embarrassing to prioritise. It is just as important as all the above and if you are experiencing any symptoms you should call a medical professional for advice and a check-up.
At Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Belfast, we are pleased to offer rapid access to an Enhanced Private GP Service in a friendly, safe environment with leading professionals and caring staff. Same-day consultations are available and with on-site access to X-Ray, CT & MRI we can get you checked out, be it a fracture or a funny feeling headache.
We also offer consultations over the phone and via video as an option, to help reduce the number of face-to-face consultations at this uncertain time. And, if needed, our specialist GP’s can give you a referral for in-person treatment if they think suitable.
Don’t put you and your family’s health on the back-burner this winter, take back control and get a check-up today with a GP to help give you peace of mind.
At Kingsbridge Private Hospital our available hours for our Enhanced GP Service over the Christmas period are as follows:
9am - 1pm* - Christmas Eve
Closed - Christmas Day
9am - 1pm* - Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th December
Closed - New Years Eve and New Years Day
9am - 1pm* - Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd January
*By Appointment Only
To book a private appointment with an expert consultant today, please call us on 028 9066 7878 or visit our Online Booking Portal.
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