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Easy, tasty and healthy pancakes

27th, Feb 2017

Traditional pancakes aren’t the most health conscious choice so we thought we would provide an alternative!

Try this easy, tasty and healthy pancake recipe from Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Private GP, Dr Aileen McPhilips. 

Pancake Tuesday is fast approaching… for some it may be a day to scoff all the leftover goodies in the cupboard before Lent starts?  Or maybe you are doing well with the New Year’s health kick and don’t want to veer off the right path just yet?

Anyone who knows me will know I am quite partial to a bit of home baking… usually with a little help from my 6-year old daughter!

Traditional pancakes aren’t the most health conscious choice so we thought we would provide an alternative!

Healthy pancakes (makes 6 pancakes)


  • 2 large bananas
  • 2 large eggs, beaten
  • 1 tsp chia seeds (optional)
  • Coconut oil
  • 2 pinches salt
  • 1⁄2 tsp baking powder


  • Mash 3/4 of the bananas until smooth.
  • Add the egg and beat well.
  • Stir in the chia seeds, baking powder and salt.
  • Heat a non-stick frying pan on a high heat and place a touch of coconut oil to both the pan and a spatula (helps when turning the pancakes).
  • Turn the heat down to medium and pour some batter into the pan.
  • Cook until golden brown on the underside (approx. one minute), then flip over and cook until golden brown on the other side (about 30 seconds).
  • Serve warm – you can garnish with sliced banana, berries, nuts, agave nectar or honey.

Low-calorie, high-protein, gluten-free and wheat-free.... definitely a good choice!!  Be adventurous with your fillings or just keep it plain and simple! 

- Dr Aileen McPhilips

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