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15th, Jun 2017
Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death in the UK. So, heart disease prevention strategies should be an important part in maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle, that puts you in control of your cardiac health.
Regular heart screening plays an essential part in managing overall health, especially for those over 40 years old.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol damages the heart and blood vessels. But without testing for them, the danger signs can be easily overlooked and you probably won't know whether you have these conditions. Regular heart screening can put you in the picture, letting you know whether you need to act.
Screening tests that will help diagnose cardiac problems
Pre-Participation Cardiac Sports Screening
Every week in the UK approximately 16 young people die from sudden cardiac death or previously undiagnosed heart conditions. No matter which sport, or at what level you play, everyone is potentially at risk.
While unfortunately no screening service can deliver 100% sensitivity to the conditions related to these sudden deaths, at Kingsbridge Private Hospital we have worked closely with local doctors to deliver a screening service that gives you the best chance to detect abnormalities. No matter which sport, or at what level you play, everyone is potentially at risk. We can facilitate screening for those aged between 16 and 35 years old.
Kingsbridge Private Hospital Cardiac Clinic
If you have any concerns about diet, lifestyle, stress levels or family history, or just wish to have peace of mind in matters of the heart, the Cardiac Screening Service at Belfast’s Kingsbridge Private Hospital is available to help. We provide access to a full range of services specifically for heart conditions at our Cardiac Clinic. The Kingsbridge Healthcare Group have been involved in cardiac risk assessment in various areas of sport and commerce including screening of numerous IFA clubs for the UEFA licence.
All heart test results will be discussed in full. We will also provide advice on lifestyle modifications, where this is required, and arrange for any further investigations, should this be necessary. All carried out at your convenience.
For more information or to book your heart screening please contact our One2One team by email: or call: 028 9066 7878.
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