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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

Sligo Hospital

ROI 071 916 2649 

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ROI 048 9068 8858 

Occupational Health Services

    • Helping you managing corporate and occupational health
    • Flexible range of health screening options tailored to both your needs
    • Call our patient booking team to discuss the options

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we have developed a fully flexible range of OHP services that can be tailored to both your organisation and your employees’ needs. 

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Occupational Health Physician Services

There are certain medicals that require the services of an Occupational Health Physician. These include:

  • LGV medicals
  • Oil and gas medicals
  • Off shore medicals
  • Seafarer medicals
  • Asbestos
  • Lead Medical assessment for fitness to practice
  • Pre-employment medical opinion
  • Medico legal work 
  • Ill Health retirement reports

These can be arranged as required with our team of dedicated healthcare professionals.

Managing corporate and occupational health should be part of your company's vision for the future. An employee screening programme can show your commitment to investment in your employees’ health and wellbeing.

To maintain and promote productivity, it is important that employees are healthy enough to work effectively in the first place. Our goal is to help detect employee health problems early and provide advice and tailored health management programmes, which will ensure the long term success of your business.

Occupational Health Screening

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital we have developed a fully flexible range of Health Screening options that can be tailored to both your organisation and your employees’ needs to include:

  • Corporate occupational health assessment
  • Pre-employment health assessment
  • Fitness for work assessments
  • Ill health retirement assessment
  • Night worker assessment
  • Respiratory surveillance & lung function testing
  • Hearing surveillance & audiometry
  • Vision screening
  • Skin assessment
  • Stress & lifestyle assessment 

Absence Management

We know that sickness absence can be disrupting to your business.

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital, an occupational health professional will assess the employee and determine current fitness for work, prognosis and any adjustments or rehabilitation required to facilitate an early return to work if appropriate. 

We provide occupational health services for:

  • Repeated short-term absence
  • Long-term absence with no known date for return to work
  • Absence related to accident or injury
  • Poor productivity potentially caused by an undisclosed or undetected medical condition
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Disability related issues.

Guidance will be provided to both employee and  management  on how to effectively manage any identified health issues. 

We offer a full range of sickness absence services from telephone consultations and one-off referrals through to regular on-site surgeries and case management.

Where an employee is unable to return to work due to a ill health we advise on early ill health retirement and permanent health insurance eligibility.

Health Surveillance

Health surveillance is a system of on-going health checks which are designed to protect the health of your employees by detecting early signs of ill health and identifying any corrective actions required.

We recognise the importance of keeping your staff fit and healthy. 

These health checks may be required by law for employees who are exposed to noise or vibration, ionising radiation, solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health.

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital, we offer a range of tests to include:

  • Audiometry
  • Respiratory surveillance and lung function testing
  • Skin assessment
  • HAVS (first level screen - then  OHP referral)

Occupational Health, Risk & Disability Management Consultancy


OHRD deliver plans to help you implement a comprehensive occupational health and welfare service for your organisation, that reduce sickness abscenteeism rates leading to improved productivity and performance of your business.

If you would like to book an appointment or require further information on the available options, please do not hesitate to contact our private patient booking team via our online enquiry form.

Alternatively, email Kingsbridge Private Hospital

Treatment Locations

Kingsbridge Diagnostic & Treatment Centre

Building One, Dataworks, King's Hall Life Sciences Park, Belfast, BT9 6GW

Kingsbridge North West

Church Hill House, Main Street, Ballykelly, BT49 9HS

Healthcare Professionals & Consultants

Dr Lisa Neligan

General Practitioner

Patient Journey

Find out what your journey will be from diagnosis to treatment

Self Funded Journey

Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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