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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

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ROI 071 916 2649 

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Breast Cancer

    • Breast specialists for any concerns about cancerous lumps
    • Access to the excellent NHS breast cancer services if required
    • Outstanding patient-focused clinical care team

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK. 

Most women who are diagnosed are over 50, however young women and men can also be affected. The good news is that if diagnosed early, breast cancer can be successfully treated and prevented from spreading to other parts of the body.

If you have a family history of cancer or are concerned about a lump or bump or simply need peace of mind, get in touch today to book an appointment. 

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Usually the first noticeable symptom is a lump - however the majority of breast lumps are not serious. Still you should always seek advice if you do find one.

Other symptoms include:

  • A change in the size or shape of one or both breasts
  • Discharge from one or both nipples
  • A lump or swelling in either of your armpits
  • Dimpling of the skin
  • A rash on or around the nipple
  • A change in the appearance of your nipple

If you attend an appointment with one of our private GPs and they examine you and finds something of concern, we can provide a seamless referral to the excellent NHS breast cancer services. 

If you have been seen by your own GP already and have been referred to a Breast Clinic, our Cancer Diagnostic Service is not part of a breast clinic and a breast specialist appointment would be required at this stage via the NHS or via an alternative provider privately. 

At this time Mammography is not being offered at Kingsbridge Private Hospital, however if we do find something of concern we can refer you to breast screening services with a specialist local provider as stated above. 

If you are of the appropriate age group and would like to get checked out yourself, you can also self-refer to the Action Cancer Mammography team (accessible to those aged 40 - 49 & 70 plus)  you can also get in touch via email or telephone 028 9080 3344 to get an appointment.

How can I access Kingsbridge Cancer Diagnostics Clinic and what is the pathway? 

Accessing Kingsbridge Diagnostics Clinic couldn't be easier. Our step by step guide below explains the pathway from initial point of contact to an onward referral if required: 

Why Use Our Cancer Diagnostics Clinic? 

  • 30 minute appointment with our GP
  • Onsite access to over 400 consultant specialties 
  • Rapid access to MRI, CT, X-Ray, Endoscopy and Ultrasound
  • Scans and diagnostics may be covered by private health insurance
  • Our GP's and Consultants follow the approved NICE guidelines when making any diagnosis

Don't wait or suffer in silence. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss any of the above with one of our GPs or Consultant Specialists in this area please follow the options below.

Please note our cancer diagnostic service initially requires a GP appointment and this is priced at £149 for a 30 minute face to face appointment. Should you be referred for additional tests, screening or scans then additional costs will be incurred.  You will be advised of these costs prior to any further appointments being made.

If you would like to book an appointment or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact our Patient Booking Team using either option below

Treatment Locations

Kingsbridge MRI and Outpatients Centre

801 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7GX

Healthcare Professionals & Consultants

Dr Mark McCleery

General Practitioner

Mr Muhammad Yousaf

Consultant General Surgeon

Mr Chris Hoo

Consultant Plastic & Breast Surgeon

Patient Journey

Find out what your journey will be from diagnosis to treatment

Self Funded Journey

Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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