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Be Stress Aware

23rd, Mar 2020

In line with Stress Awareness Month, our Diamond Club will be focusing on the impact that stress can have on our daily lives.

With it also being uncertain times, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Media reports and the amount of information currently presenting itself on the internet can distract you from your working day.

You may also be working from home, which can also take some time to adapt.
According to the Mental Health Foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope. Stress Awareness Month aims to raise awareness of stress and the impact it can have on people.
There are also several things you can do to help avoid stress for yourself and your colleagues:

  • Talk - Don’t be afraid to ask someone how they are feeling? Also, don’t be afraid to express your own concerns. If you are working from home, stay connected and pick up the phone on your lunch break or keep in touch with colleagues via skype calls.
  • Stay organised - Keeping your working day the same as if you were in the office is so important. Get up, get dressed, have a comfortable workspace set up and have an achievable daily plan in place.
  • Selfcare - We all need to take some time out to switch off from the media and do something we enjoy. Listen to your favourite music, take part in an online yoga class or start cooking up some new nutritional recipes, the choice is yours!  


  • Be kind and support each other - More than ever, it is important to notice when you or a colleague is feeling stressed or anxious. We need to support and be able to treat each other with compassion and empathy as well as fostering a culture where praise and feedback are freely given and making mistakes is okay.

Remember, we are all in this together!

For further information on our Diamond Club’s monthly health and wellbeing topics, please contact

If you would like yo find out more about Stress Awareness Month and what you can do to raise awareness, visit The Stress Managment Society

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