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Cycle Your Way to Health!

23rd, Aug 2019

Cycling is becoming more and more popular. Everyday we see adults in their business wear, helmets on and buzzing through traffic making their way to work. They already know the secrets behind the cycling trend, and we want you to know to.

The benefits from cycling are endless and it is a great way to stay in shape. So why wouldn’t you want to include it into your daily routine? Take a look at our reasons below on why you should introduce some cycling into your life today, even if it is just for fun!

Lessens your Anxiety
With day to day life stressors continually popping into our lives it can be hard to ignore the anxious thoughts that creep into our minds causing those feelings of unease, worry and fear. Daily exercise is vital for maintaining mental health, decreasing overall levels of tension and stimulating anti-anxiety effects. Studies also show that it is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function.

It Keeps You Young & Promotes Weight Loss
It’s no surprise cycling improves muscle tone, strengthens your heart and keeps your immune system young. Cycling can also hold back the effects of ageing and burns between 400 and 1000 calories an hour, depending on intensity and rider weight. Thereby contributing to greater weight loss when paired with eating well.

Cost Efficient & Environmentally Friendly
Think about it, how much money goes towards pumping your car with petrol or diesel? If you add that all up on a weekly basis, you’ll see how cycling can really benefit the savings fund. Cycling is also a lot more friendly for the environment as bikes don’t require toxic batteries or motor oils and it reduces pollution of the air from fuel.

Overall, cycling can be the perfect alternative to your current work commute, but it can also have a great social aspect as more and more people join cycling groups and compete in lengthy cycles throughout the country. It really is the perfect opportunity to introduce a more positive option of travel or form of exercise into your lifestyle which will save you time, money and keep you healthy all at once!

‘Move More, Sit Less’ is the focus throughout August as part of the Diamond Club’s monthly health and wellbeing initiatives. It’s so important to incorporate some form of exercise into our daily working days and cycling could be just the right step to get started!
For further information on our Diamond Club and how you can become a member, simply email


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