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Early Access To Physiotherapy Is Key!

29th, Oct 2020

Cathal O'Kane, our new sports physiotherapist at our Kingsbridge Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic tells us why early access to physiotherapy is key and how easy it is to access our physio services even under the current circumstances.

Musculoskeletal problems are the leading cause of pain and disability in the UK - affecting 1 in 4 people each year.

‘Musculoskeletal’ is a term used to describe conditions affecting mainly the bones, joints, muscles and spine e.g. back pain, ankle sprains, osteoarthritis (Versus Arthritis, 2019).

Our patient’s tell us these problems can make daily activities difficult, prevent participation in sport, result in time off work, impact on family and social relationships and generally effect the quality of their life.

Evidence shows that early access to physiotherapy is key for successful management of these problems, however, in the current climate attending the clinic may be difficult or inappropriate for some people (Department of Health, 2008).

At Kingsbridge Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic we have been providing Telehealth video consultations throughout 2020 and from the feedback to date our patients have found them extremely beneficial.

“It was great! I’d say nearly as good as seeing Cathal in person.” - Kingsbridge Physio Patient

Some people may be concerned that video consultation will not work or provide the solution to their problem, however, recent evidence tells us that telehealth may be clinically as effective as normal care (Salisbury et al, 2013).

From the comfort of your home we can assess your problem and provide you with a detailed treatment plan, including easy to follow online rehabilitation with videos, progress tracking and feedback. If we feel physiotherapy is not for the right option for you, we can arrange imaging at our main hospital site or a consultation with one of our Kingsbridge consultants.

Who can access Telehealth video consulting at Kingsbridge?

 Appointments are open to anyone but may particularly suit:

  • Elite or recreational sports people who require rehabilitation
  • The elderly/vulnerable who are self-isolating due to COVID
  • Rural communities with no access to physiotherapy
  • People working from home with time constraints or childcare issues
  • Someone who is unsure if physiotherapy is for them

To book an appointment with Cathal: 

Call 07545647107
Book online via our Online Booking Portal

You can view Cathal's full profile by clicking here

To find out more about the services we provide at the Kingsbridge Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic please click here.

Department of Health. Self referral pilots to musculoskeletal physiotherapy and the implications for improving access to other AHP services. London: Department of Health; 2008.

Salisbury C, Foster N, Hopper C, Bishop A, Hollinghurst S, Coast J, et al. A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of ‘PhysioDirect’ telephone assessment and advice services for physiotherapy. Health Technology Assessment. 2013. 17(2).

The State of Musculoskeletal Health 2019. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions in numbers. 2019.

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