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Scrambled Eggs & Smoked Salmon On Wheaten Bread

10th, Apr 2020

Our Scrambled Eggs & Smoked Salmon on Wheaten Bread recipe from our Kingsbridge Kitchen Recipe Book is filled full of protein for growth and repair and is high in anti-inflammatory Omega-3 and Vitamin D, great for bone health.


8 free range eggs
50ml cream
20g butter
4 slices wheaten bread
200g smoked salmon
10g chives (chopped)
salt & pepper to taste


  • Lightly whisk together the eggs, cream, salt and pepper.
  • Heat a medium size pan on a low heat and melt the butter.
  • Pour in the eggs and let it sit for a few seconds. Stir with a spatula making sure the eggs aren't starting to stick to the pan. Be patient and don't be temptedto turn up the heat!
  • Toast the wheaten and butter it up.
  • Place the bread on a plate and spoon on the eggs.
  • Dress with the smoked salmon and garnish with chives.

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