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Sexual Health Matters

12th, Sep 2016

National Sexual Health Awareness Week is running this year from 12th - 16th September. And with an almost yearly rise in the rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) it has never been more important to keep a check on your sexual health. Read our latest sexual health blog by clicking on the link.


National Sexual Health Awareness Week is running this year from 12th - 16th September.  And with an almost yearly rise in the rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) it has never been more important to keep a check on your sexual health. 

Previously STIs were most prevalent in the under 25 age group however this is no longer the case and in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of older adults testing positive.

From January to March this year there were already over 2500 new STI diagnoses in Northern Ireland and as infections can spread through a number of ways (vaginal, anal and oral) it is important to know the different symptoms that can arise.   

Unusually high levels of itching in the genital area and/or penile or vaginal discharge could indicate an infection.  Genital lumps, sores or ulcers should also be checked out.  It is also important to note that not everyone, who is infected with an STI, will have symptoms.  Therefore, it is important to get checked out if you have had unprotected sex.  Untreated STIs can also led to other health problems.

At Kingsbridge Private Hospital you can gain access to the highest level of diagnosis and care.  Our confidential Sexual Health Clinic is offered in a private setting for both male and female clients at our hospital on the Lisburn Road in Belfast.

Consultations with our private GP are 100% confidential and a range of tests are offered including; bloods for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, swabs depending on symptoms, and urine tests for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea.  All results are available online via a unique login within 2-5 working days.

Call us today on 0845 6006 352 or book your appointment online at  

You can find out more information about our STI clinic and the services available (including pricing) by visiting

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